You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on you, because he remains in you. Isaiah 26:3
This afternoon was awful, but it could have been worse.
I missed a phone call this afternoon, and didn't have a chance to check it until 3:40 or so... and saw I had a text message too. Both were from Blake's coworkers informing me that he was in the hospital.
I actually went immediately into panic mode, and knew I needed prayer before I could even process this information at all. So, I went into my coworker's room, just told her what I knew and asked for prayer.
That verse I chose above is so true, because after her prayer I was able to focus, and figure out the next step, which was to find a way to contact him at the hospital. I was able to call him, and he answered, told me basically what had happened and what his current status was, and that when I came I needed to bring some clothes, because everything he was wearing was cut off him after the accident. I told a few more coworkers on the way out, and asked them to pray as well.
I first was thinking I should go home, then decided that it would be faster to hit up a Target on the way so that I didn't lose time trying to get home first.
Once I got to the hospital, I stayed with him as he got x-rays, and thirteen stitches, not counting some spots of glue and then all bandaged up. ( I did pretty well with the sight of blood all the way through except for when the guy was testing if the topical numbing agent was working on him by pulling at different spots, at that point I had to stop watching for a bit).
But I am truely grateful that the accident wasn't worse, that I still have him, and he didn't need anything more than stitches (especially with what happened, which I can't share online). I am thankful that his face, head, eyes etc. were all perfectly fine as well. My heart goes out to those families whose stories were so much worse today, because I got the slightest taste of that, and it was awful. I had to keep praying throughout my drive that I could stay calm, because I didn't want to get in an accident because I lost it, crying from relief, on the road.
Be praying that he heals quickly, especially the palm of his right hand, because it is really restricting what he can do independently (and we are already having power struggles over his want to do things... sigh...) His cuts are palm and wrist (no major arteries, praise God) on his right hand/arm, and wrist area on his left arm. He also looks like he has been slapped or sunburned on his stomach, with lots of cuts on there as well. But again, his pain is low, he got to come home today, with no overnight stay, and he should be pretty well healed in the next 5-10 days (with lots of scars, but still).
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