I am a frequent Pinterest user, and early 2012 I read about the idea to keep the little stuff (hotel cards, tickets etc.) in a jar on a shelf all year and then at the end of the year, take it all out, look it at, remember the year, and then let go of it, and start filling it with the next year's mementos.
Here is 2012 at a glance:

Note the large collection of running/race type things. This year was my first race (hard to believe after I have actually done so many) with my 10k back in March. This was followed by the ROC race with Blake, my September half marathon, three races in October (Mud Run, Rugged Maniacs and Run for your Life), and a race the first weekend of November for charity. It is crazy to think my next race is my marathon!
As I glanced back over my 2012 posts, I noticed that many of them did involve running in some way, as it did affect my life a lot. Not just the time and training commitment, but also in that it brought me new friends, new experiences and new rushes of accomplishment this year. I joined the running club, and in that met some good friends. I had distance accomplishments with each consecutively longer run, but also the new experiences of running from zombies and jumping over fire (to name a few). It has been a fun, and definitely unique chapter of my life.
There is also our Yosemite trip, complete with a trail guide of the crazy long hike we did, survived, and are considering doing again someday!
We have mementos from our last (hopefully) anniversary without a child. Even if she is being watched, we won't have the money to burn (not that we had it this summer either...) on a nice hotel and expensive dinner. But it was fun to remember the trip, and the delicious food!
The top right features the red paint cards from when we decided to paint our dining room. We have tickets from a show we went to in February as well as ticket to the movie Hunger Games.
You may notice the pop-tart wrapper- that was put in to represent my first camping trip ever... in the snow! In the bottom left there was something so random we couldn't figure out what it was, or what it was from, but after some online searching realized it was from our trip to the Orange County fair this summer, and the fun time we had with Erin's kids.
One big thing (that I made sure was in the picture, if not in the jar) that happened in 2012 is that we got Tasha! This sweetheart has been a lot of trouble, but a lot of fun as well, and was a big feature in my posts this year too.
But the biggest thing that happened in 2012, bar none, is the amazing experiences and feelings that we have had in our adoption this year. It is represented in the photo just by the plane tickets and tickets to the museum we went to, but it could not have been any bigger part of our life. We got our referral, became legal parents and even got to meet our precious little girl! (who we miss dearly and are anxiously awaiting news on the passport to get the last few steps complete). Ever since we started the adoption, we knew there would be a light at the end of the tunnel eventually, but it has been so much fun living it! I am sure that 2012 won't be able to compete with the feelings of 2013 when she gets home, but for now, it is ranking as a record good year for us.
Most of these, after getting the moment to reminisce on them, I have no problem letting go of now. However, a few items get to stay. Both Ghana mementos, as well as my first medal, are safe.
This next year will bring a lot of HUGE changes in our lives with Grace coming home and me staying home with her, but it is sure to be an exciting year, and I look forward to going to sleep, and waking up in 2013!