We got word last week that we were likely to have court in Ghana today (done with power of attorney) to declare us the legal guardians of our little girl.
As I got up this morning, I THOUGHT that there were only three ways this could go-
A. We get named legal guardians, big celebration, it is official, there is much rejoicing and we start to plan for a trip in Ghana in approximately a month.
B. The judge could tell our power of attorney that we need to show up for court (it happens, for various reasons), he gives a new court date, and we prepare to go to Ghana soon, as in a week or two. Crazy, wild, not our first option, but an option.
C. The court date could have been postponed. Sometimes judges have too many cases or end the day early, or even our "likely to have court" fell on the not likely, and we were actually still waiting on an original court date.
Most likely, one of those three DID happen today. Except, you see, I got secret option D.
D. Your agency doesn't get word from their Ghana contact and you have no idea what took place or not ... at all.
If you asked me this morning, I would have said option B was the worst, followed by option C. But I didn't consider the angst of the unknown.
If forced to bet on which occurred, I would guess C, only because options A and B seem to me that our contact would have told us if one of those occurred, and would only not say something if it was an uneventful day. Especially if it was just pushed to tomorrow. Logically, I could see how someone would think, oh, court isn't happening till tomorrow, so I'll tell them then.
But if he had a busy day, maybe he wouldn't have a chance to share how court went well. I really do doubt that he found out we are going to court in a couple of weeks, because that is short enough notice for a trip as it is, and I assume that they would want us to have as much time as possible.
Who knows? Not me! I have secret option D, and lots of questions and anxiety and wanting to know what is going on in a country far away! Ghana has never seemed so far away as it did today, where even though our agency tried to contact him, because of the time difference, it might have arrived too late for him to answer back before tomorrow.
It doesn't help that for us to find out, he has to write our agency, and then they have to let us know. So, even if he writes an e-mail back tonight, I might not hear until tomorrow anyways because our agency's business hours have ended. Super big sigh.
Hoping to have more news (even if not better news) tomorrow.
Ugh. I can totally relate to the angst of the uncertainty. I hope you hear soon.