Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Needle Free Days

We have had quite the week here.

(Grrr Arg... I typed a LONG description of our last week... put lots of pictures, was about to publish... and something in the internet world went wrong... and it is gone, except for the first sentence. So, as often happens with those such things... now you get a shorter version... as long as she doesn't wake up)

10 out of our last 12 days Grace has been at the doctor.
3 of those days involved a trip to the ER.
7 of them involved Grace getting poked with needles.
Thanks to her tiny veins (among other things) during those seven days, she was poked with a needle a total of 18 different times. Record number on a single day is four times... but that happened on three of those days.

So... today, we are rejoicing over her second needle free day (as opposed to the last six days previously when she was poked).

Here are some pictures from the last week:
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This is what I came home to after Blake was "watching" Grace while I ran errands. :-D

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