Wednesday, March 12, 2014

One small step for Rem, one big leap for our family

September 16th, 2013, I went to bed with two cats, one dog, and a husband. From September 18th to the night before last, there was a baby in our bed as well.

First, we just shared the bed, and he fell asleep cradled in the crook of my arm. It wasn't as good of sleep for me, as I couldn't move around at will, and I didn't let myself go into a deep sleep either. But nursing was easy, and he was sweet and he slept great that way, so we continued like that until "the incident."

Thanksgiving morning, he got his first scar from a scared cat run, and we decided we had to change our arrangement for his safety. Now he slept in a bassinet type thing, in between us on the bed, and that transition was hard at first, but I had to acknowledge he slept fine in there and I slept better too. I had the freedom to switch sides in the night, sleep deep and nursing was still pretty easy.

But from November to March, this little boy continued to grow. We saw he was increasingly not as comfortable in that little space, hitting his head on the sides, and trying unsuccessfully to turn in there. Sunday night and Monday night had large stretches where he wasn't sleeping, and we tried everything to soothe him, and suspected it was because he just couldn't find a comfortable position.

Our favorite sleep book said it was time, he was a week away from 6 months, which was our original thought of crib time, and most importantly, he was telling us it was time too.

As you probably have guessed long ago, all this is leading up to the fact that last night, he slept in his own crib, down the hall. He still woke up twice for feedings, but otherwise didn't complain much about his new arrangement, either when he was first put down, or after his feedings.

He held no grudge in the morning, and after his morning feed was his normal, happy self.

Our bed is back to two humans and three pets, and I have mixed feelings about it. The space is nice, but in some ways I miss having my baby so close. Just one of many signs he is no longer a newborn.

I know he has to grow up, one step at a time, and I don't begrudge him that, but it doesn't make it any easier to see my kids become more independent, and need their mom less and less.

(Picture is of Remington this morning, to commemorate his big achievement)

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