Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Run Down Memory Lane

(Picture taken in our dorm, back in 2002)

10 years ago, Blake and I met in the dorm of UCI, almost to the week. We didn't start dating till November, but as Monday starts welcome week at UCI, it will be ten years since the two of us were moving into the dorm.

So, partly because of that, and partly because I needed a place to run this week with Blake, I did my weekly training running around and through UCI. It was so much fun! We reiminsed about old classes, the places we used to eat at, the school gym, and even went inside our old dorm (which was open because it was move in day).

I can't believe how much time has passed, but we are still together, and still as happy as we were way back when in the dorm. Yay for UCI and all the memories it gave.

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